Con Co

Ẩm Thực và Vườn Tược (Food & Garden)


Garden Q is where you can get ideas on how to grow something on your own likes growing vegetables in containers, growing ginger natural way, growing tomatoes with minimum budget… Also, you can see some special fruit trees with many fruits hanging on and squirrels too. Sometimes, we have some exclusive fruit trees like jackfruit, mango, acerola cherry, persimmon, dragon fruit, papaya, lychee, longan… some our handicapped trees as well… oh, not done yet, some flowers too.

Grower/H.O.A. targeting victim: Dad (the founder of the garden who was naming this channel and retired forever since September 5, 2020 Saturday 1:15 A.M.)

Filming/upload/web maintenance/answer questions/future grower: a daughter of Vietnam communist enemy survivors. Cast members: trees, fruits, vegetables, birds, squirrels, sky, fireworks…

Have fun and have a good day!

Garden Q

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